Well I thought it was time i put something new on here. No that does not mean you're all gunna get more and more out of me on this I'm just putting something new since its been a while.
Family Reunion
The day started off kinda like this. alarm goes off but to tired to get up after it goes off. sooo I ended up having to face the annoyance of People singing as they came downstairs to wake me. Then have to deal with the rush of everyone else when I didn't really need to get anything at all. Shower had to be the most annoying because. i had to wait 5 minutes for the water to not be burning hot. and then once i got in they said time to go. Anyway i found out my problem about not being able to sleep on trips. I need a fan. I've got one on trips now and it helps. plus more space helps because being cramped in a full van isn't gunna work for sleep where i sit. I had seat in front of me down for a foot rest. and me seat leaned back, plus the whole back seat to my self. I read most of the trip there. slept some, When we got there everything was how it was the year before, or so i thought. the only difference was that the trees and plants and just about everything was taller. and to no surprise my family thought i was taller too. at One point there i walked outside to rest in a tree. only i guess i got to close to some birds nest. so it sat there and followed me making weird noises. everywhere i went until i went back inside then it shut up. sadly in whole thing i ended up with sap on me. Badminton, now that was fun we had Chris, Dad, Me, and Uncle Bill. that was great because we had 5 people watching, laughing and cheering at each mess up or each nice hit or dive for it. plus the rackets went in good condition so we would get the birdie stuck in it sometimes. drawing more laughter. Now in the whole thing only one thing made me annoyed. we didn't keep grandpa's tradition. we had no root beer and no rook game. no one seemed to notice but me. on the way home we kept one of his tho. we made sure to stop at a dunkindonuts. so that made me happy to keep. The way home was quieter and i slept more (couldn't read book for to dark). but later on near the end of the trip we all broke out in hymns and scripture songs. started with just me then Lia then we all joined in. it was a good family moment on the trip. Once again we got pulled over because my dad doesn't have a Permanent Residence card. but we got cleared threw after he went in and verified it all.
Thats about it for the day. I know i missed something but if i put everything in it would be boring. so read it comment if i wish. and maybe, just maybe i will think about continuing more posts threw out the summer. And Yes when i get the pictures i will put some on here for you all.