What are you doing Canada, you have been warned of the wrath to come and you don't listen. Its like you've been there was a murderer on the loose where you live and you don't leave the area. or you've been warned that a volcano is about to blow right next to your house and you don't move. you sit there and die. God has warned everyone through his word of the wrath to come. and what does Canada do, you sit here drink your beer, live it up, with your drugs and witchcraft, and same sex marriage. each one of these things well send you to hell. if you think hell is an OK place. it is not. in any way. think of the hottest fire and multiply it by the biggest number you can think of. that is what hell is and you will be forever stuck in it, never ending pain. Canada, it is of the Lords mercies that we are not consumed and all sent to hell. and think the thrice holy God sent his only begotten son to die for us on the cross. O what love that he has for his people, the Church
anyone who reads this post, please send it to anyone you know and some you don't know.
want me to send it to chelsea? I think you may make a good preacher. Have you ever listened to the sermon about hell that Tommy McLeroy preached? Its on Mr Tessiers blog. When he preached that at Maranatha a few summers ago I really couldn't think of much else the whole week.
i'm not so good in person. and send it to anyone you want.
practice. did you set up a statcounter account yet? its pretty cool, i get visitors from Germany, Africa, England and lots of other places.
where would that be located.
Joseph, go to the stat counter under all Sarah's links and click on it. You can get a lot of things from other people's blogs just by clicking on them. Don't click on the one with all the flames, but the one underneath.
its to annoying and bothersome to figure out right now.
took me awhile to get it all straight.
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