Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mormon Friend Online

I just found out today that one of my friend online is a Mormon. We had a 2 hours and 45 minutes talk. wow it was good. I got to use my learning from Sundayschool and my Bible to talk to him. He wouldn't leave the fact of the Bible being only correct as it is translated. I was being on the matter of God and Jesus and how there book changes and how are Book is the only prophecy from God. That there is no other. that any other book about God that doesn't agree with the Bible is false. But I didn't get through sadly hopefully I will be able to talk to him again. He said at the end of the talk that he ends his testimony. so hopefully doesn't mean that he won't let me talk to him anymore. I believe and pray that God will use what I said to him to bring him to the scriptures. Sorry this is all I'm writing today.


zorg said...

You can keep your sunday school papers, I'll get my dad to make me a binder.

That was a sweet snowball I threw at you, I'm gonna try again tonight. hehe

PJ said...

Haha you have fun trying. I'll get you and you now it. Which is why you always go and hide in the church or Van. And let me tell you it won't be petty snowball.

zorg said...

i think i got you more than you got me, or maybe it was a tie. but that was fun.

zorg said...

oh, and you need to fix the link to my blog, i changed the address to it today.

PJ said...

I got to talk to him again. very interesting it was. I told him what our Church believes. And he said its too much facts and info. I also showed him what the scripture has to say about the atonement of Christ. and how they say its in gethsemane that he bled for us. but Hebrews says he suffered without the gate. and the garden is part of the city. He didn't have anything more to say on that. He just stopped. and he keeps saying that if I just pray and ask God if the B.O.M. is true. That I will come to there Church and way of thinking. After that he says that he ends he testimony in his name. I said me talking to him is in the Lords name not me. He didn't have anything to say about that either.

Anonymous said...

i dont get the "ands his testimony" part. and what is b.o.m? sounds like i should already know, but i dont.

PJ said...

He said that he is teaching me. not the other way around. but still. and B.O.M. is the Book of Mormon.