Friday, January 25, 2008

Root beer and chocolate bars

That was good root beer and it went well with what I am about to say.

Today, after supper, I got bored of standing around every night and decided to go for a walk to Shortline, a convenient store, then thought how I did not have a shower since before work. So after that I went outside to Shortline. Bad idea! while I walked my face and hands froze and my hair must of had ice in it. pretty soon i could not feel my face and my hands. I would have drunk my root beer if my hands were not frozen. So I get home and go to the back room where the fire is going and drink my lonely root beer. not so lonely anymore..... I also would have eaten my chocolate bar but it was frozen too! So the 5 cent candies I ate on my way home. And guess what the first thing I said when my hands and face froze. This Feels GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry on that one. Now if that does not seem weird then I don' know what is.

Ok with that all said and done. I found out that my coat did not smell at all, my cats were just being weird. Missy is getting looks so much bigger than the first time we got her. And she is turning into a cat like Simba who justs sits around and does nothing.

Nate called today asking if I wanted a manual for a game instead of the game. kind of a dumb question if you ask me but no one is asking sooooo........... forget I said anything. My friends are always gone these days I don't know what it is but I don't see them as much. Every time I want to do something they are gone somewhere else. And that also means no times to talk to them about coming to Youthgroup or God in anyway. I still pray that God will use what they have heard to save them. Please pray with me for them.

I do enjoy all the teaching I have been getting from my Grampa and Ms. Newton. I know it will help me in the future. I am also enjoying Pastor's teaching in Sundayschool and Chris's from Youthgroup. Thats all for tonight because my head and my stomach isn't feeling that great again.


zorg said...

Your face feels frozen and you think that feels great? hmm, I think your face had been frozen to many times and it has affected your mind. The only thing I can think of thats weirder is watching cows get their horns ripped out, and enjoying watching it, its a pretty bloody sight.

Your cats and McIntire are lazy bums. Gwandle is a very active (mostly at night on my bed) cat. tonight I don't want her in my room.

PJ said...

well said.

zorg said...

thank you, its my pleasure.

zorg said...

oh, and I was going to say that maybe you thought you were well too soon and you maybe over did it today when you thought you were well but you weren't. That sounds repetitive.

PJ said...

thanks for the confusing mess you just got me in.

zorg said...

hehe, my pleasure, again.

zorg said...

oh and I was also going to say that walking in cold air with frozen hair isn't to good for the health, esp when you are already sick.

PJ said...

My blog is messing up. either that or my internet because I can't change my pictures.

zorg said...

thats too bad. what picture are you changing? the comment or the one of you?

PJ said...

All the ones above really.